Case Application

Harvard Business Review (Global Views – Commonwealth Publishing Group) | Traditional Chinese Version
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Harvard Business Review
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Harvard Business Review → Click "HBR Cases" on the left side of the page.
If there is an icon like the one listed on the left in the article, you can apply for using it as teaching materials.
- If you would like to view the full article, please contact Ms. Wang at (ext. 4528) for a temporary account. Please provide your title, name and EMAIL.
- Link to fill out the form ( please click here )
- Fill in the form and submit it. After receiving the electronic file, you may make copies of the application as needed.
- Contact person: Ms. Wang, Office CM4062, College of Management, Ext. 4528, email:
Harvard / IVEY Case | English version
International cases are distributed by Participation Education and Research Development Office (PERDO) of the College of Commerce, National Chengchi University (Harvard Business School and Richard Ivey School of Business, University of Western Ontario)
1. Browse articles
- Cases on the website of HBS Cases Distribution Center, NCCU College of Commerce
- Cases on the website of IVEY Cases Distribution Center, NCCU College of Commerce
2. Download1 Download2 the order application forms
- Harvard:
IVEY: - NCCU, College of Commerce, Participation Education and Research Development Office, PERDO Office
- Contact person: Ms. Wang, Office CM4062, College of Management, Ext. 4528, email: