
Sun Yat-sen Management Review
Sun Yat-sen Management Review, founded in 1993, is one of the first management journals in the country. The then Dean of the College of Management, Chang-Yung Liu, was aware of the rapid development of management academia in Taiwan, but also noticed the lack of regular academic journals for scholars to publish their research. Therefore, this journal was created with the limited resources of the College of Management.
The journal has been published steadily under the efforts of past editors-in-chief Chang-Yung Liu, Ting-Peng Liang, Kuang-Shih Yeh, Yueh-Hsia Chen, Tung-Ching Lin, An-Lin Chen, Pao-Lien Chen and the current editor-in-chief Hsing-Er Lin. Currently, the journal is published four times a year in March, June, September, and December. In addition, special issues are published from time to time according to the status and quality of the articles submitted, in order to serve colleagues in the management field and promote the development of management academia together.
The Journal is a completely open space and welcomes submissions from scholars all over the world, so papers are reviewed anonymously. In principle, two experts are invited to review each paper, and both must recommend the paper for publication before it can be accepted for publication in order to maintain the quality of the published papers.
Since it is a general journal, any manuscript related to the field of management is welcome for submission. However, in order to strengthen the localization of management scholarship and the integration of theory and scholarship, we pay special attention to the connotations of management and strategy and publish fewer purely technical papers.
Sun Yat-sen Review Editorial Department
Phone: (07)525-2000 ext. 4526
Office Address: CM4091-1
Sun Yat-sen Review Website
College of Management E-Newsletter
From this issue onwards, we will expand the target audience and send it to our alumni, current students and friends who are interested in the College once every two weeks during the semester. We also look forward to receiving your email addresses and lists of potential candidates for admission to Sun Yat-sen University so that they can receive the newsletter on a regular basis and learn more about our school. There are a lot of learning resources and activities in the College of Management, and you can get a head start by reading the newsletter regularly.
College of Management Office
Phone: (07)525-2000 ext. 4538
Office Location: CM4062
College of Management E-Newsletter