DBA in Healthcare Management

Special Features of the Program
We cultivate medical management professionals who understand the essence of medical treatment, are familiar with the healthcare supply chain, and can make full use of various management theories, viewpoints and techniques. Studnets will be able to properly plan medical resources, deal with related medical management issues, achieve ideal allocation of resources, analyze relevant information on medical management, and help make reasonable medical and healthcare decisions to achieve the ultimate goal of healthcare welfare for society.
Graduation Requirements
Total Program Credits: 41 Credits
The main focus is on strengthening theoretical and methodological skills, supplemented by overseas study. The courses are arranged in a balanced manner according to the development and needs of the medical industry, including management theory, medical management practice and research. The graduate program consists of 41 credits (excluding thesis), five required courses, and the development of academic skills through foundational courses. The five specialized courses provide students with a variety of choices of medical management topics they wish to develop. One course of study abroad provides international mobility through international medical management school connections. The program consists of five required courses (15-credits), five elective courses (15-credit), special topics courses (four 8-credit courses) and an overseas study/visit course (3-credits).
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