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Being an Expatriate Professional in Taiwan: Johannes Steinicke

安益集團茵康國際會議顧問公司專案經理Johannes Steinicke (黎友翰)
安益集團茵康國際會議顧問公司專案經理Johannes Steinicke (黎友翰)
On April 19th Mr. Johannes Steinicke delivered a speech for the NSYSU College of Management Work and Culture class.  Mr. Steinicke is an alumnus of NSYSU Chinese Language Center and currently works as a project manager for Interplan in Kaohsiung.
Mr. Steinicke shared his experience of being an expatriate professional in Taiwan and gave some valuable advice to the students:
A good place to start for a foreigner seeking work might be a commercial representative office of their home county in Taiwan.  Working in such an office provides a good opportunity to work in a cross-cultural environment, see examples of people getting along with each other, and learn about the relationships between countries.
Another piece of advice was to not just apply for a job that you can fit in, but try to create a niche for yourself. Steinicke encouraged students to try to draw attention, and to let your co-workers and superiors become aware of your unique attributes.  Show people your super powers and skills.
It is not easy to face new cultural environment, and Mr. Steinicke shared a helpful analogy. If you don’t feel comfortable somewhere, think of a lobster.  A lobster must shed his shell and grow a new one in order to improve and thrive! So don’t be shy or scared - go out and try new jobs.In any event, you will learn something new!


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